Monday, June 15, 2009

June 15th, 2009

A while back a friend of ours, Wendi, had an inheriting of a cute White Pekin duck. She knew that I had just gotten two ducks, Scratch and Dent. So she called me up and told me about the whole thing. I won't go into details except for the fact that it wasn't by any of her doing...anyway she brought, Macey the duck, over. I was expecting a duckling about the size of ours but nope, I was dead wrong. She was probably 6-8 weeks along, starting to feather and quacked! She was calm and followed Wendi around. The two fuzzy pictures are of her when she first brought her over.

To make a long story short, Macey ended up going to our brother and sister in-law's place up in Idaho where they have lots of land. Their little son, loved Macey and called her Mr. Duck and George. They went everywhere together and had a grand old time. She stayed up there for about a month to six weeks. But they were also getting a dog soon and didn't know what they were going to do with the duck not knowing how the dog and duck would get along. So a few days before they got their dog, they brought over Macey to our place for us to keep (right). She was so cute! We gave her a bath and she nessled down pretty quick and seemed to feel right at home. We let our ducklings, Jack, Jill and Goldi out to see how they would react together. Out of curiosity, Macey would nibble at the babies as they would frantically scurry away. We decided we should separate them for the night and let them warm up to each other over time. Anyway, another long story short, that night, after all the hard work we had put into making the fence stronger, the same ravenous beast that killed Scratch and Dent, still an unknown creature, dug an 8" whole, ripped up our stakes and that was the end of Macey...Luckily for us, the creature wasn't able to get to our ducklings locked up in the mini-barn. We felt so bad and crushed...

A few nights later, I forgot to close the mini-barn door and it got in again, ripping up rocks first and then the stakes and fence to kill Jack, Jill and Goldilocks...

Whatever it is, it needs to be disposed of...

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